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Personal Development Planning Tip #4

Following on from our previous post:

As you assess yourself against each skill and behavior on the list of competencies for your role, are you at the learning stage, the developing stage, or have you mastered it? Be honest with yourself and consider the feedback you’ve reviewed in preparation for this exercise. Have your manager independently make the same assessment of your skills and behaviors. How do these assessments compare? Use this comparison for an honest discussion with your manager about areas for growth and areas at which you excel, particularly if there is misalignment. This exercise is valuable if you are new to your role or if you are a seasoned MSL.

Tip: Capability Profiles (CP) is a competency model you can use to assess for others as well as a help for you to determine why we really are hired. A resume tells what we have done, a capabilities profile says what we can do, which is why you are really being hired anyway. Every interviewer has one thought on their mind, “Can you help me solve my problem?” Your resume is your history, your CP foretells your value. (If you’d like a copy of a CP outline let us know.)

Congratulations, you have just identified areas for development in your current role! In upcoming posts, we will talk more about what to do with this information and how to weave this into your personal development plan.

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